Chelsea Slip and Fall Lawyers

A slip and fall accident can occur anywhere. Some of the most common places include supermarkets, restaurants, retail stores, gas stations, movie theaters, hotels, casinos, hospitals, parking lots, factories or other workplaces, and apartment complexes. Typically, a hazardous condition preceded the event, such as: an icy parking lot, spilled liquid on a floor, a freshly cleaned or waxed surface, or lack of handrails or non-skid strips on stairs. Consult a Douglas & London slip and fall lawyer to determine whether you are owed damages from a negligent property owner.

When is a property owner negligent?

Property owners have an obligation to keep their premises in a safe condition for invited visitors and guests. You may be compensated for your losses when it can be proven that a property owner knew or should have known about a dangerous condition before your accident.

Call our experienced slip and fall attorneys for a free consultation!

For instance, property owners can be held liable when they fail to:

  • Shovel and salt walkways and remove snow after a reasonable amount of time.
  • Fix a gutter or clogged drain that causes water accumulation.
  • Train employees to promptly clean up any spills.
  • Schedule routine maintenance checks, cleanings, and repairs.
  • Clear debris that could have been stored elsewhere.
  • Post a sign warning guests of known hazards, such as a “wet floor.”
  • Provide adequate lighting so visitors can see dangerous conditions for themselves.

Each situation is unique. Contacting our team of Chelsea slip and fall lawyers will help you determine whether you have a case.

What to do immediately after a slip and fall accident

When possible, slip and fall lawyers recommend:

  • Photos – Take photographs of the accident scene, your clothing, and footwear, as well as any injuries.
  • Witnesses – Gather the name, address, and phone number of any people who witnessed the accident.
  • Accident Report – Ask for the manager to document what happened. Obtain a copy before you leave.
  • Evidence – If you slipped on food or a piece of debris, save the item in a sealed plastic bag.
  • Medical Documents – Seek a medical opinion and keep a copy of your doctor’s visit summary.
  • Personal Records – Keep a calendar of all your medical appointments. Write a daily pain diary.

Who can be held liable for a slip and fall?

More than one party can be named in a civil lawsuit, including:

  • The documented owner of the premises.
  • An employee tasked with supervision or maintenance.
  • A subcontractor tasked with property maintenance.

New York State allows for comparative negligence. This means you can collect a reduced percentage of the total compensation allowed– even if you are partially to blame, as long as property owner negligence can be proved.

Injured in a slip and fall accident? Tap to call for a FREE consultation!

A Word About Statute of Limitations Filing Deadlines

Every state has its own deadline for pursuing legal action You may have as little as six months or up to three years to file your premises liability lawsuit, depending on the type of entity named in the suit, so it’s best to contact us as soon as possible to explore your options.

Contact our team of Chelsea Slip and Fall Lawyers

If you are too injured to come to us, we can consult with you by phone. We work on a contingency basis, meaning you don’t owe a cent out-of-pocket. Our legal fee comes out of the compensation we recover on your behalf. While the past is no guarantee, we can point to a successful track record with over a billion recovered for our clients, with many settlements in the hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars. Call today to speak with an experienced slip and fall lawyer.