NYC Rollover Accident Attorneys

Rollover accidents are especially dangerous kinds of car accidents. Serious injuries and fatalities are more common in rollovers than many other kinds of motor vehicle crashes. If negligence on the part of another driver or entity, such as a car manufacturer, contributed to injuries you or a loved one sustained as a result of a car rollover, you may be eligible for substantial monetary compensation to cover your losses. Rollover accident damages may cover medical expenses, lost wages from being unable to work, and much more. The New York City car accident lawyers at Douglas & London have the knowledge and experience to win big on behalf of rollover accident victims and their families. We have the resources to prove fault in these cases, even when the deep-pocketed insurance companies put up a fight and argue for far less in damages than you deserve. Don’t leave money on the table at this especially trying time in your life. Call our firm today, 24/7, to schedule a free consultation.
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What Is a Rollover Crash?
When at least two wheels of a vehicle come off of the ground, it is considered a rollover accident. Rollovers include accidents where the vehicle tips over on its side, flips onto the roof, or turns on its wheels, sides, and roof repeatedly. In these cases, the driver generally has little to no control over the vehicle.
Common Causes of a Vehicle Rollover
Some common factors that traditionally play a role in causing vehicle rollovers include the following:
- The type of vehicle involved is believed to be a factor, as vehicles with particularly high centers of gravity may be more likely to roll over. While regular sedans can also roll over, some SUVs, vans, or trucks are felt to be more vulnerable to rolling over, especially in inclement weather or when driven at high speeds.
- Roads that are not properly maintained and contain potholes or uneven pavement can increase the likelihood of a rollover accident occurring.
- Driving at high speeds, especially when the driver makes a turn or a sudden jerk of the wheel, can increase the likelihood of a rollover accident.
- Many of these accidents occur when the driver is turning or making a sudden lane change on the freeway.
- Drunk driving and distracted driving are two other common factors.
- Inclement weather tends to decrease the stability of most vehicles, which leads to more rollover accidents.
- The presence of curbs, guardrails, or medians in the roadway can increase the likelihood of a rollover accident.
Typical Injuries Sustained in Rollover Accidents
Some victims of rollover accidents may walk away unscathed, while others may not survive. New York is a no-fault insurance state, meaning that in order for you to file a rollover accident lawsuit, you must have sustained serious injuries.
Some of the common injuries that our New York City car accident attorneys have seen in these accidents include the following:
- Bone breaks and fractures
- Cuts and lacerations
- Burns
- Organ damage
- Internal injuries
- Head and neck injuries
- Back and spine injuries
- Paralysis
- Amputations
- Traumatic Brain Injuries
- Death
What Can Rollover Accident Attorneys Do for You?
If you have been seriously injured in a rollover accident, chances are that you are experiencing a high degree of stress and uncertainty in your life right now. Hiring the right personal injury attorney can allow you to focus on the healing process – both physically and emotionally – and potentially adjust to the “new normal” that your injuries have brought about in your life. Your attorney will:
- Investigate the cause of the accident
- Interview any key eyewitnesses
- Communicate and negotiate as your representative with the insurance company
- Consult or hire specialists and experts
- File a lawsuit on your behalf if the insurance company does not agree to a fair settlement
- Conduct discovery in order to build your case in preparation for trial
- Maintain open communication lines with you and your family and keep you apprised of all developments in the case
A Track Record You Can Trust
For nearly two decades now, we have been helping New Yorkers achieve justice and earn the compensation that they deserve for their injuries. Our attorneys have recovered more than $18 billion on behalf of their personal injury clients. Our compassion, experience, and work ethic are what enable us to achieve such impressive results. Whether the case is settled quickly or goes all the way to a jury, we will be here for you every step of the way.
Call Us 24/7
If you have been injured in a New York City rollover accident, call Douglas & London 24 hours a day to schedule your free consultation. You will not need to pay us anything unless you prevail.