On February 13, 2020, The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requested that Japanese pharmaceutical company Eisai remove its weight-loss drugs Belviq and Belviq XR from the market due to findings from a clinical trial showing that long-term use of Belviq was associated with cancer. The FDA has warned …
Allergan Recalls BIOCELL Textured Breast Implants Due to Increased Cancer Risks
The FDA recently recalled Allergan’s BIOCELL textured breast implants after finding that these implants were linked to causing a specific breast cancer known as Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). People with Allergan’s BIOCELL textured implants are six times more likely to develop this type of breast cancer than …
Injured Slipping on Ice? Here’s What You Need to Know
Everyone who lives in a northern climate faces the risk of injury from slipping and falling on ice. The New York accident and injury attorneys at Douglas & London help victims recover compensation from property owners who failed to clear dangerous ice and other hazardous conditions from their property. A …
Pre-Winter Car Safety Check
You can best prepare for New York’s icy streets if you check your car well before the cold weather sets in. A pre-winter car safety check can reduce breakdowns and get you through the inevitable delays and traffic stoppages. Keeping your car well-maintained for all driving conditions will also improve …
Is Your Child Addicted to Juul E-Cigarettes?
According to recent surveys, roughly 10 percent of students in American middle and high schools are regularly vaping. This amounts to over 2 million teens and young adults who are putting themselves at risk. Parents must be aware of the risks of vaping and look for signs in their children. …
Filing a Child Victims Act Claim
For adults who suffered sexual abuse as a child, the Child Victims Act allows holding those at fault accountable. The law provides a renewed opportunity for justice for those who were no longer eligible to file a claim due to the expiration of the prior statute of limitations. In addition, …
Can Car Insurance Companies Request Phone Records?
A car insurance company that is trying to allocate fault for an automobile accident might request a driver’s cell phone records to determine if they were distracted by a call or text message. Before you comply with any insurance company request for your cell phone information, call Douglas & London …
How Do Insurance Companies Decide to Total a Car?
Following a serious car accident, there is one important decision that your insurance company will make that could have a dramatic impact on your life and finances. That decision is whether or not to declare your vehicle as “totaled.” Many times after a car accident, your vehicle will need only …
Do You Really Need Collision Coverage?
In New York, there are extensive requirements for auto insurance. Drivers in the Empire State must carry liability insurance. This coverage is designed to pay for bodily injury or property damage caused by another driver. However, it does not provide compensation for the insured driver’s own vehicles. Thankfully, collision coverage …
How Do You Determine if a Car is Totaled?
Following a serious car accident, an insurance company will consider a car to be damaged beyond repair, or totaled, if the cost to repair the car exceeds a certain percentage of the car’s actual cash value immediately before the accident. This may sound like an objective and unbiased definition, but …