Jamestown Personal Injury Lawyers

Douglas & London have significant personal injury experience representing New Yorkers who’ve been seriously harmed in workplace accidents, motor vehicle crashes, and claims arising from defective products and unsafe premises. Our Jamestown personal injury lawyers are known for their integrity and winning track record.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and need excellent legal advice from an accomplished personal injury lawyer, you’ve come to the right firm. Our veteran attorneys routinely secure six and seven-figure victories in complex personal injury cases and have recovered some $18 billion in settlements and verdicts on behalf of clients.

If you have been injured and believe you have a claim for damages, call Douglas & London to request a confidential consultation. We’ll evaluate your case free of charge and advise you on the best course to protect your rights.

Winning personal injury lawyers serving Jamestown

Personal injury litigation encompasses a broad range of issues– from automobile accidents and pharmaceutical product liability to slips, trips, and falls. Our attorneys provide effective legal representation with a view toward maximizing the value of your claim. We do this by leveraging the expertise of our nationally acclaimed trial attorneys. They have significant experience litigating mass torts and complex cases involving negligence and product liability.

The following are a few of our notable personal injury verdicts and settlements:

  • $5 million verdict for a construction site worker who was blinded in one eye from a caustic substance
  • $20 million train accident verdict secured for a teenager who suffered a skull fracture after being struck by the subway
  • $1,950,000 workplace injury settlement for a client who fell and sustained a debilitating leg injury due to a design defect
  • $1,725,000 premises liability settlement for a woman who suffered severe spinal injuries after falling in a department store due to unsafe conditions
  • $1,600,000 premises liability recovery on behalf of a client who sustained major knee injuries when a residential building’s staircase collapsed

Helping you reclaim your life

We understand the importance of achieving a swift and favorable outcome in your claim. Our Jamestown personal injury lawyers take proactive steps to investigate potentially liable parties, evaluate the evidence, and help you get the monetary recovery you truly deserve. You don’t have to pay for another person’s negligence when you have a results-driven advocate fighting for your rights.

There are many situations where an experienced personal injury lawyer from Douglas & London can advance your cause, and ensure your voice is heard. If you believe the insurance company is low-balling your settlement offer, or you’ve suffered catastrophic injuries and the process is too complicated to handle on your own, our legal team is ready to step in.

Douglas & London: Our commitment to clients

When you retain a personal injury attorney from Douglas & London, your legal matters are in capable hands. Take advantage of our tremendous work ethic, our passion for civil justice, and our uncompromising commitment to every new case we take on.

You can count on:

  • Attentive, personal service from start to finish
  • Compassionate support from every member of our firm
  • Access to your lawyer when you need it
  • Prompt answers to your questions
  • Access to medical experts and industry specialists
  • No legal fees unless we obtain compensation on your behalf

Call our toll-free number today to request your free consultation!